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Making the move to a senior living community can be both exciting and overwhelming. At Connect55+, we understand the challenges of downsizing and transitioning to a new home. To help make this process smoother, here are some practical tips to simplify your move to our community in Meadville, PA and create a cozy living space tailored to your needs.

Infographic - Simplifying Your Move

elderly couple putting kitchen items into boxes

Start Early

Begin the downsizing process well in advance of your move. Sorting through belongings takes time, so starting early allows you to declutter at a leisurely pace and make thoughtful decisions about what to keep, donate, or sell.


Create a Floor Plan

Before moving, take measurements of your new living space at Connect55+. Create a floor plan to visualize where your furniture will fit and how to optimize the layout. This planning can help you decide which items to bring and ensure a smooth transition into your new home.

under-bed drawers

Utilize Storage Solutions

Consider investing in space-saving storage solutions like under-bed organizers, closet systems, or multi-functional furniture. These clever storage options can help maximize space in your downsized home and keep your belongings organized.

elderly couple, moving boxes

Seek Assistance

Don’t hesitate to ask for help during the moving process. Enlist friends, family, or professional organizers to assist with packing, sorting, and labeling boxes. Delegating tasks can help reduce stress and make moving day more manageable.


Moving to a senior living community is a significant life transition, but with proper planning and organization, it can be a rewarding experience. By following these downsizing tips, you can simplify your move to Connect55+ and embrace a vibrant, low-maintenance lifestyle tailored to your needs. Contact us today to learn more about our community and start your next chapter in Meadville, PA!

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